If Liz Phair made one mistake in her career, it was releasing a debut album (“Exile in Guyville”) that would end up being impossible to live up to. Everything that came after has been compared to Exile. Whitechocolatespaceegg (WCSE), released in 1998, was Phair’s third record. The themes include marriage and motherhood (quite the contrast from her first two albums!), but the pop and rock hooks are still there, as good as or better than ever. For some reason, WCSE never got the critical nor commercial recognition it deserves. If you’re a Liz Phair fan and never really got into this record when it first came out, I encourage you to give it another listen - it’s highly underrated. Back in 1998, my favorites off the album were ‘Big Tall Man,’ ‘Perfect World’ and ‘What Makes You Happy.’ And, they still are.