240. PART 3 by KC and the Sunshine Band

For any child of the 70's and early 80's that iconic logo with the buzz saw-looking sun meant only one thing - time to put on your boogie shoes so that you can shake your booty to 'I'm Your Boogie Man.' You see where I'm going with this, right? There was a time back then when the only band that could out disco KC was the Bee Gees. I guess having your band name consist of letters from the alphabet was a recipe for success.
1976's Part 3 which, incidentally, was the band's fourth record turned out to be their breakout album (though their self-titled second effort wasn't too shabby either). So, in the hopes of not sounding too redundant, get those shoes on (you know which ones) and spin 'I'm Your Boogie Man,' 'Keep It Comin' Love' and '(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty.'