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Shoegazers of the world unite (H/T to The Smiths) as 2024 has brought us a great new record from Brooklyn-based band GIFT. It seems we just can't get enough of the synthy-reverby-fuzzy sound and I'm here for it all. With influences ranging from Madonna's Ray of Light album to Oasis (previously covered here), there's bound to be something satisfactory to your ears.

Kick things off with album opener 'Wish Me Away' followed by closer 'Milestones.' Then 'Going In Circles' (which has a chorus very reminiscent of the Smashing Pumpkins 'Muzzle') and end with 'It's All Too Fast.' This should give you a taste sufficient enough to make you want to come back for more.

To end today's edition of Daily Records I have a small favor to ask: if you like what you're reading and hearing please share our mutual love of music by forwarding this email (if you're reading this in email format) to your friends, family and anyone else you think may enjoy it as well. Similarly, if you're reading this on my site, please forward the link to my blog to those same people. And, if you're someone who follows me on Mastodon, Threads, Bluesky or Instagram please share my posts with your followers. I don't get involved with SEO and so the only way we can spread the word is by the methods mentioned above. Many thanks in advance.