268. BIG SWIMMER by King Hannah

This recently released 2024 record by Liverpool duo King Hannah has been my latest obsession. What do you get when you mash up Portishead, Mazzy Star (previously covered here and here), 90's grunge guitar and even some Doors (previously covered here)? Since you're reading this you must already know the answer.

Vocalist Hannah Merrick and guitarist Craig Whittle have found the perfect balance of half sing / half talk vocals blended with a very low key, laid back guitar - until it's not. Several of the tracks outro with grungey guitar solos that I find myself looking forward to with each and every listen (and there have been a lot of listens over the past few days).

So, with that in mind, I would begin listening with 'New York, Let's Do Nothing' and then move on to, 'The Mattress,' title track 'Big Swimmer,' 'This Wasn't Intentional' and finish with 'Somewhere Near El Paso.' Incidentally, Sharon Van Etten (previously covered here) provides background vocals on 'Big Swimmer' and 'This Wasn't Intentional.'