256. AHORA by Melenas

Does one need to dust off their Spanish to English dictionary to enjoy this 2023 record from Pamplona, Spain's Melenas? While it couldn't hurt, I don't think it's really necessary. Heck, I took 6 years of Spanish through junior high and high school but all I really remember is that the album name means 'now.' You know what they say...if you don't use it you lose it. Regardless, I can still get into the music here because of the heavy synth pop leanings, reminiscent of Kraftwerk, Stereolab and others, as many reviewers have noted.

As for tracks to recommend, I'm wary to suggest 'Bang' as the first one as it is so freakin' catchy you'll just want to put it on repeat and may not even get to the others. But, when you finally do get past 'Bang' continue with these: 'K2' (the bass line of which immediately reminded me of The Judy's 'You Never Call Me'), 'Promesas' and '1986.'

Melenas performing 'Bang'