237. A RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD by Coldplay

I hadn't realized until recently that I haven't discussed a Coldplay record here. Thinking about why I came to the conclusion that I just don't listen to them much anymore - at least not much after their Viva La Vida album. I guess they went in one direction and I in another.
Deciding on which of those early records to discuss, I landed on this 2002 release because it contains one of my favorite Coldplay songs, 'The Scientist.' On a record with lots of guitars and thunderous piano I, of course, focus on the more mellow tracks. So, start out with that one and then continue the muted theme with 'Warning Sign' and end with the album closer, 'Amsterdam,' which contains some of singer Chris Martin's most bluesy refrains and, actually, some pretty nice guitar towards the end.